Sunday, June 3, 2012

Choosing a Baby Security Blanket or Lovey

So you're looking for that perfect lovey for your child... but have no idea where to start or what to look for. We've created an article to help you with that decision:

 What makes a baby security blanket or lovey? Well, from experience and research, just about anything can. You never know what your child will attach to as a comfort item, so sometimes it's easier to introduce an object rather than have they decide that your heirloom quilt is their best friend.

 Children tend to choose some sort of item to be a comfort friend. These items become something they carry around in the house or when you travel. Having something that they recognize and can hold while venturing out into a very large, new world is very normal. While we can't see through their eyes, we can imagine how everything can be so overwhelming. A comfort item that reminds them of their safe zone at home is very stress-relieving for both parents and children, especially when traveling.

 Baby blankets tend to be the usual choice of babies, although stuffed toys are also a popular selection. There are plenty of options and designs of baby blankets to choose from for your child to attach to and love. I suggest the combination of a flannel and satin blanket for a few reasons I investigated when creating my blanket designs.

 Flannel is a very durable fabric to choose. Not only is it available in a variety of patterns, it just gets cozier every time you wash it. Satin is the perfect companion to the flannel. Shiny and soft, it also absorbs scents which makes it a very important sensory experience for your child. You'll find they will tend to sniff their blankets. The smells of home and familiar odors that have been picked up in the fabric are what gives them comfort while facing the unknown. Snuggling down in their crib is a lot less scary when you have something right there that breathes to them that they're okay.

 You also need to make sure that the lovey you choose isn't too big to lug around. While you may feel the lovey is for bedtime only, when they need to settle down and sleep alone, they may feel the need for the comfort of a familiar friend while shopping, going to daycare, or just traveling in the car. Too big and you'll find that blanket getting snagged and dragged through everything, causing it to get torn or become dangerously entangled in something. Too little and your child will easily misplace it, causing household panic.

Always be sure to have extras for wash day or in case a mishap occurs, and the lovey is lost or left behind somewhere. Once your child has found a friend in a lovey, the loss of it suddenly will be devastating to his or her routine. Parents who have gone through this will attest that it's extremely hard to replace a broken-in lovey with a new one.

 Helpful Tip: Trying to get your child to attach to a new lovey? Try sleeping with it yourself for a night or two. Tucked into your shirt or nightgown, the fabrics will pick up your scent and your child will readily accept it smelling like Mom, rather than a store package.

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